McDry Ultra-Low Humidity Storage Cabinets: Moisture Absorption and Dehumidification Data

Data on moisture absorption and dehumidification of an IC package

Pretreatment: 24-hour baking at +125ºC
Measurement condition

  1. Component stored in ambient environment(30 degrees C, 85%RH) for 25 hours.
  2. Dehumidification: The component is stored in a McDry cabinet at 5%RH for 150 hours.
  3. The component was baked and then stored in McDry at 5%RH. (Example of storage in a dry box at 5% RH specified by the new IPC/JEDEC J-STD-033D)

Example of low-humidity storage of laminated PCB

Multi-layered PCBs absorb moisture at a faster rate as they become thinner. Layer break off and blistering will occur during reflow if the moisture content of the PCB exceeds 0.2% (weight.) Store laminated PCBs in an ultra-low humidity dry box

PCB (Glass-epoxy substrate)

  • Sample: 6-layered laminated PCB
  • Dimensions: 50 x 100 x 1t (mm)
  • Measurement condition
  • Pretreatment: Baked for 24 hours at 125℃
  • Humidification: Steamed for 2 hours
  • Dehumidification: Stored in McDry box at 5% RH

PBGA Carrier Board

Test Conditions
Pretreatment: 24-hour bake at +125℃

  1. Component stored in ambient environment(30 degrees C, 85%RH) for 25 hours.
  2. After process (1), the component is stored in McDry cabinet(5%RH) for 150 hours.
  3. Stored in McDry cabinet(5% RH) after baking.

Data on moisture absorption and dehumidification of chip LEDs

Experiment Data on moisture absorption and dehumidification of chip LEDs


Example: LED3025 (3.0mmx2.5mmxt1.3mm) floor life 168h Pretreatment: 48 hour-Baking Process at +60C tle (LED makers’ baking guideline)

  1. Chip LED stored in ambient environment (30°C, 60% RH) for 168 hours.
  2. After 11 hours of storage in this environment, it was left for 13 hours in a dry box at <3% RH. This process was repeated 5 times from Monday to Friday and left for 61 hours in a dry box at <3% RH.
  3. After baking, the LED chip was stored in a dry cabinet capable of maintaining 3%RH.

(This is a similar condition with an LED chip that is stored in a dry cabinet right after opening a moisture barrier bag.)