Unitech PCB Cleaners: Unitech PCB Cleaners Cleaning Test Results

1. Solder Joint Defect

Malcom Unitech Cleaning Test Solder Joint

Malcom Unitech Cleaning Test Solder Joint

Above reflow area shows defect by dust attached before past printing.
(red squared area shows places where it's burned)

Malcom Unitech Cleaning Test Solder Joint

Sample photo shows mounting defects by some dust. Not sure when dust stick on PWB before or after screen-printing.

2. Test (PWB Input Numbers)

Lot #1
With Cleaning System100 sheets
Without Cleaning System155 sheets
Total305 sheets
Lot #2
With Cleaning System337 sheets
Without Cleaning System350 sheets
Total687 sheets

Malcom Unitech Cleaning Test Defect Detection

Malcom Unitech Cleaning Test Defect Detection

3. Defect Detection

With Cleaning System Lot #1
Auto Inspection0 points
Visual Inspection2 points
Without Cleaning System Lot #1
Visual Inspection2 points
With Cleaning System Lot #2
Visual Inspection0 points
Without Cleaning System Lot #2
Visual Inspection8 points